Reserve/ release-based shared storage protection: Used with standard volume groups 基于保留/释放的共享存储保护:用于标准的卷组
Estimation Formula of Standard Liver Volume for Chinese Adults 中国成人标准肝体积评估公式的临床研究
Punctuation adjusts the tone and color and volume till the feeling comes into perfect focus: not disgust exactly, but distastes; Standard volume indicators 标点可调整音调、音色和音量,直至找准了感情,万无一失:未必是厌恶,而是厌烦;GB/T17311-1998标准音量表
A standard volume table and a local volume table were compiled for Acacia mangium in Guangzhou. 对广州地区马占相思进行了二元立木材积表和一元立木材积表的编制。
Overall mean graft volume ( GV) was398 g, which was equivalent to37.8% of the recipient standard liver volume ( SV). 测得总体的平均移植肝脏体积(GV)是398克,这相当于受体标准肝脏体积(SV)的37.8%。
According to a series of tentative surveys and statistics, I define the standard volume of new words and its evolutionary process. 在初步调查统计的基础上,确定教材的基准生词量和渐进方式,以平均生词量作为对基准生词量的调整。
The standard volume per trading quote referred to in the preceding paragraph may be adjusted by this corporation based on market conditions. 前项每笔买卖申报数量之标准,本公司得视市场状况变更之。
In addition, the discussion was made on the selection of standard volume table, the organization and application method of local volume table in the calculation of unlawfully felled tree volume. 探讨了盗伐立木材积测算工作中二元立木材积表选用和地径一元材积表的编制与应用方法。
The effects of Ar/ O_2 standard molar volume, sputtering power, gas pressure and annealing time on TCR were analyzed by orthogonal experiments. 通过设计正交试验,系统分析了Ar和O2的标准体积比、溅射功率、工作压强和热处理时间对氧化钒薄膜TCR的影响。
Cleaning method for standard volume pipe and improvement of its process flow 标准体积管清洗方法及工艺流程的改进
Influence of Temperature and Pressure on Dynamic Metering of Standard Volume of Crude Oil 温度和压力对原油动态计量标准体积的影响
The transformation of tree volume table according to height classes into standard volume table 树高级立木材积表展开成二元材积表的探讨
The paper also presented selecting principles of standard solution concentration selection, the volume of the solution tested and the standard adding volume each time. 提出了选择标准溶液浓度、被测溶液体积和每次标准加入体积的选择原则。
An automatic system for calibrating the large-bore flowmeter has been presented. It makes use of a standard volume tube for calibrating flowmeter. During the calibration. 介绍了一种流量计检定系统,用于大口径腰轮、刮板等流量计的检定,该系统用标准体积管对流量计进行检定,全部操作由计算机控制,实现了检定工作自动化,经运行表明系统性能良好。
Mathematics Model to Calculate Natural Gas Measure System Standard Volume 天然气计量系统标方计算的数学建模
Study on Dynamic Standard Volume Model of Artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata Forest 杉木人工林二元立木材积动态模型的研究
The Computer Control and Information Processing System of the Standard Volume Tube 标准体积管的计算机控制与信息处理系统
In ASTM D244, the density cup is a stainless steel measurer of known standard volume, but the shape and the dimension was not presented. 在ASTMD244中,密度杯为已知容积的不锈钢制标准容器,却没有具体的几何形状及尺寸;
A Study on Standard Volume Dynamic Model 二元立木材积动态模型研究
A Microcomputer Control and Management System for Flowmeters Verification by Standard Volume Tube 标准体积管流量计检定装置微机控制及管理系统
The standard volume flow and mass flow of natural gas are related to measuring condition of natural gas, so the compensation is necessary based on the temperature and pressure in measuring condition. 天然气的计量都以标准状态体积流量和质量流量计算,各测量工况下的流量必须折算为标准状态的体积或质量流量。
The standard volume tube ( SVT for short) is a high precision device for testing and determining the flowmeter grade. SVT is used to test and determine the on-line various flowmeters. 标准体积管是一种高精度流量标定装置,用于对各种流量计进行在线标定。
The relation between normal liver volume and body height, body weight and body surface area was studied by linear regression and correlation method, the standard liver volume equation was deduced. 采用直线相关和回归方法研究正常人群肝脏体积与其身高、体重和体表面积的关系,得出相应回归方程作为成人标准肝体积公式。
Consequence rising from wax-formation in the standard volume pipe of crude oil and its disposal 原油标准体积管结蜡造成的后果及解决方法
Abstract: Using compensate factor constrictive coefficient to revise perfect gas equation and calculate the measure of natural gas's standard volume, working's status compensate factor can make out similar calculate change by R-K equation. 采用具有补偿因子压缩系数修正的理想气体状态方程,实现对天然气标方计量的计算.工况状态压缩系数的计算由R-K方程近似计算迭代求出,计算误差为0.1%。
Standard volume pipe used for flow meter's calibration shall be calibrated every three years by metering calibration department. 用于检定流量计的标准体积管每三年要由计量检定部门检定一次。
Compilation of Standard Volume Table for Southern Type of Poplar in Hubei Province 湖北省南方型杨树标准材积表的编制
And then we know that risk control is not an absolute standard volume control, but rather a dynamic process, it is affected by the logic among the various tasks. 同时反映了进度预警控制时各个任务之间相互关联的关系,进而明确风险控制不是绝对的标量控制,而是一个动态的过程,受到项目各个任务之间逻辑性的影响。
First, the standard volume of practical is difficulties. Health workers is difficult precise and scientific calculations to carry out. 首先,标准服务量的做法实际操作困难,卫生工作难以精确和科学的进行测算。